VSU Archives
1991 to 1992

And the Walls Came Tumbling Down ... This is an EX - Scout Hut!

Yes, after many years of shoring up sagging rafters, patching up leaking roofs, puttying up and painting over rotten timbers (and windows!), that edifice of unknown antiquity (see Venture 44 magazine Edition 72 for historical notes) affectionately known as 'The Scout Hut' - which has been home, workshop, equipment store, pool hall to many a Tommies Venture Scout - eventually received its final (and this time acted upon!) notice of demolition.
Plans and funding are well in place for its replacement - a Marley shell sited on green-field site adjacent to the bowling green.
The unit is grateful for the backing of the Headmaster, Mr Jarvis, in lending his drive behind the ambitious and for us expensive project. So any donations gratefully received!!

Venture 44 Edition 71  (published June 1992,  Editor: Paul Kingsbury) - Unit News, 'Obituary' - The laying to rest of the old old Scout Hut, World Indoor Climbing Championships (Matt Wilton), From All Points, From the Land of Oz (Jase Stone)

Venture 44 Edition 70  (published December 1991,  Editor: Paul Kingsbury) - Unit News, The Bracelands Experience (Jim Newman), Annual Report (FH), Unit Accounts & Balance Sheet, From All Points

Venture 44 Edition 69  (published September 1991,  Editor: Paul Kingsbury) - The Diary of a MacNobody - Scottish Expedition '91