44th VSU Archives
1996 to 1997

A great sadness at the death of a true friend .....

The greatest tribute to Frank - the unit at maximum capacity

So many tears could be shed for Frank, not least for the fact that his death was so untimely and cruel; yet he would decry us for indulging our own sorrows and wallowing in our own self-pity. Life is an adventure, to be lived to the full, seeking out new experiences, learning new understandings and mastering new skills. The 'Spirit of Adventure' formed Frank's very raison d'être, which he wanted to share and enjoy with both his friends and those who had been placed in his duty of care. We can honour him the most by keeping his Spirit of Adventure at the core of what the 44th stands for and does in the days, months and years ahead.

School Memorial Service for Frank Henderson

Venture 44 Edition 81  (published April 1997) - Introducing the new VSL Dave Proudlove, Cotswold Marathon reports, Frank Henderson Memorial.

Venture 44 Edition 80  (published December 1996) - Norway 96 Expedition Edition.