Who's Who of the 44th
Official Members for the current year 2005-2006 ....
Paul Edwards - Chairman 2005/2006 Shares first names with Paul Gladwell; sociable guy; pretends to know what he's talking about (but probably doesn't); studies geology; still a bit random; likes cricket, rugby and watching netball(!) Hopes one day to be a good chairman! Distinguishing features: (you choose!) Nicknames: Egg, Eggs, Eggybread, Eggy, Edwards, The Eggman |
Rich Young - Unit Secretary 2005/2006 Still falls asleep anywhere! Has nice red tent deadly to itinerant footballs!! Into climbing, windsurfing and computers; not that keen on field sports but likes walking; loves German rock music Distinguishing features: Wears glasses sometimes; cheery and cheeky smile; Nicknames: Little Rich; Slasher; Young Richard |
Stephen Duxbury - Quartermaster/Hut Manager 2005/2006 A quiet organiser of his fellow hyperactive and crazy peers; 'Duxbury' is a positive cheerful person but can be a bit grumpy - so don't goes losing any stores! He's quite funny, likes warhammer and PC games; his favourite food is bacon & eggs Distinguishing features: Cheerful smiles Nickname: Dukes; Duxbury; Dux |
Andrew Faulkner Has this year finally quit 51st and joined 44th; always trying out something new with computer peripherals; chief techie for Quiz Night; self-confessed Cola addict; witty; Distinguishing features: Diminuitive stature, long hair Nicknames: Big Andrew; Andy; André; Anny; Abby; |
Chris Stevens Loves his food; collects Warhammer figures; does fencing (we assume with foils and rapiers not planks, hammer and nails); enjoys trampolining and biking (not simultaneously we hope!) Distinguishing features: Looks like one of Monkees Nickname: Kit, Christof |
Josh Powell Happy outlook on life; easy-going; self-deprecating humour; tendency to unknowingly break limbs on DofE hikes; enjoys a good rumble Distinguishing features: Tall and super big Nicknames: Josh; Big JP; Jolly Giant; Alfred; le Grande Bombino; |
William Gilbert Knows everything you could ever want to know about Star Wars (sad or what?) Collects Warhammer models, aptly the 'Chaos' series. Is into rowing and thinks water is good. Distinguishing features: Tall with mop of dark hair Nicknames: Fluffy, Baldy, The Wig |
Andrew Woolhead Into martial arts - has a nice array of coloured belts to prove it! Likes comedy films - the crazier the better; enjoys computers and wargamming; considers himself an artistic 'geek'; plays tennis; prone to strange outbursts and superbly mimicked extracts from Monty Python films Distinguishing features: Small & compact; expressive facial features! Nicknames: Wooly |
Gareth Evans Shorter than average, sporty, well organised, witty; likes rugby, football, PS2 Distinguishing features: Blonde, glasses, brace Nicknames: Gaz, Gazza, Blondie |
Sam Melvin Actually comes from Cyprus and because of this he has a distinctive 'yellow' tinge. Ironically he enjoys the Simpsons! He has a variety of hobbies including sports, wargamming and Little Britain. He is both smart & silly. Considers himself organised and has a keen interest to do bushcraft. Distinguishing features: Bronze complexion; Nicknames: Melvil |
Liam Newborough Tall, confident, will do anything for money or food! Likes rugby, biking, food and is a self-confessed pyromaniac. Other interests include the Simpsons ... and food. Distinguishing features: Ginger hair; Freckles; Nicknames: Newby; Ginger |
Iain Murphy Hyper; trying to match Andy F's example - has managed asylum from 51st but is failing miserably with his hair style; Distinguishing features: Failed long hair style; ability to smile inanely Nicknames: Inny, Pinny, Pilmp |
Joe Moss Awaiting Photo Distinguishing features: Ginger hair; Nicknames: Mossy; |
George Rawlins Living up to his nickname, George is a good natured individual and an asset to the unit; he says he's a bit bossy which might be a good thing! Has many hobbies; favourite films are Star Wars series; favourite food is beans on toast Distinguishing features: Diminuitive stature; Nicknames: Little George; |
Hayden Sansum This man has already made a (little) name for hinself by beating Big JP; likes modelling (wouldn't say if this was catwalk type or constructing small plastic kits!); outgoing and loud, active but lazy Distinguishing features: Girly eye corners; Nicknames: Giraffe-Bomber; Gayden |
Dan Venn Into IT and rugby; has a quiet personality, a dog called Tilly and a cat called Princess; a self-confessed boffin who admits to being gormless and not too bright(?); seems to like traffic cones a lot Distinguishing features: Blonde; Nicknames: Dan |
Jon Springer Plays rugby for school U14 "A" Team; Warhammer collector; has paper round; often noticed wearing silly hats and dancing at Quiz Nights Distinguishing features: Silly hats; Nicknames: Joffe; Kit |
Luke Harris Tough nut escapee from 1st XXX Rubgy Squad Distinguishing features: Blond Nicknames: Chopper |
Ben Sargeant Louder than life; normally audible 24/7; writing illegible; Distinguishing features: Flippers (sometimes); wears glasses Nicknames: Mister Ben; Uncle Ben; Agent Barnes (anagram of Ben Sargeant) |
Amy Johnson Has the dubious privilege and distinction of being the third ever female member of the 44th; sister of Samuel Johnson - unit's famous Quartermaster, Hut Manager and Tyrant; reknown pyromaniac like her elder sibling; inanimate objects and cats like her (God help us - and her!); loves chocolate machines and twizzle sticks Distinguishing features: Sam's sister; Nicknames: Oy Johnson; A.M.E. |
Zak Hinds -- description redacted -- Distinguishing features: Cherubic features and frame Nicknames: Zak |
Jon Morley Recent joiner from Lower Sixth; Distinguishing features: Glasses; Wide smileys Nicknames: Garage Man; Mr Fixer |
George Hart Awaiting Photo Distinguishing features: Curly mop of hair; shy Nicknames: George |