Who's Who of the 44th
Official Members for the current year 2006-2007 ....
Rich Young - Unit Chairman Still falls asleep anywhere! Has nice red tent deadly to itinerant footballs!! Into climbing, windsurfing and computers; not that keen on field sports but likes walking; loves German rock music Distinguishing features: Wears glasses sometimes; cheery and cheeky smile; Nicknames: Little Rich; Slasher; Young Richard |
Andrew Faulkner Still trying out something new with computer peripherals; chief techie for Quiz Night; self-confessed Cola addict; witty; Distinguishing features: Diminuitive stature, long hair Nicknames: Big Andrew; Andy; André; Anny; Abby; Coke man; |
Josh Powell Happy outlook on life; easy-going; self-deprecating humour; tendency to unknowingly break limbs on DofE hikes; enjoys a good rumble Distinguishing features: Tall and super big Nicknames: Josh; Big JP; Jolly Giant; Alfred; le Grande Bombino; |
William Gilbert Knows everything you could ever want to know about Star Wars (sad or what?). Collects Warhammer models, aptly the 'Chaos' series. Is into rowing and thinks water is good. Distinguishing features: Tall with mop of dark hair Nicknames: Fluffy, Baldy, The Wig |
Iain Murphy Hyper; trying to follow Andy F's example - has managed asylum from 51st but is failing miserably with his hair style; Distinguishing features: Failed long hair style; ability to smile inanely Nicknames: Inny, Pinny, Pilmp |
Ben Sargeant Louder than life; normally audible 24/7; writing illegible; Distinguishing features: Flippers (sometimes); wears glasses Nicknames: Mister Ben; Uncle Ben; Agent Barnes (anagram of Ben Sargeant) |
Amy Johnson - Unit Exec Has the dubious privilege and distinction of being the third ever female member of the 44th; sister of Samuel Johnson - unit's famous Quartermaster, Hut Manager and Tyrant; reknown pyromaniac like her elder sibling; inanimate objects and cats like her (God help us - and her!); loves chocolate machines and twizzle sticks Distinguishing features: Family resemblance (I didn't say that Amy!); Nicknames: Oy Johnson; A.M.E. |
Zak Hinds -- description still redacted -- Distinguishing features: Little Cherub Nicknames: Zak |
Jon Morley - Unit Quartermaster Established himself quickly as valuable Unit member taking on key 'Quartermaster' role Distinguishing features: Glasses; Smiley grins Nicknames: Quarter |
George Hart Still camera shy! Distinguishing features: Curly mop of hair Nicknames: George |
Stephanie Warman Distinguishing features: Long (and I mean long!) straight black hair; cheerful smiles Nicknames: Steg |