"When you land, bend your knees and push up hard." - Adam L.
"I didn't do it very hard because I didn't think it was coming off." - Daniel
"This pan won't dry itself, Pete!" - Sam C.
"Let's see how many we can fit in the shower, boys!" - Phil
"Can't you get your leg up there?" - Rachael
"Never let your Dingle dangle!" - Phil
"Watch out girls, Daniel's on the prowl!" - Phil, on watching Dan enter the Ladies' shower after several furtive glances.
"I was District Beaver of the Year." - Sam C.
"And who did you have to sleep with to get that?" - Adam L.
"I can't use my hands but I've got world class feet." - Adam G.
"I quite like this Gypsy sh*t!" - Matt
"Badger on the back!" - Chrissy G.
"Hey, I'm Troll, I'm dead sexy, I am!" - Troll
"It moves up and down; it doesn't stay in one spot." - Daniel
"It was all down her top; she was scooping it out!" - Rachael
"Poke me hard enough and I'll sqeal like a cat!" - Sam
"Spam is retarded corned beef" - Chris
"I lasted longer than Rob anyway." - Daniel
"Ee - that's disgusting; go on, take it off ... like!" - Rachy (in Scouse accent)
"The way that says it's the way ... is not the way." - Ancient Kerry Saying
"It's a path for blind people." - Little Rich
"Back to 'Mother' lads!" - Pete
"Why do they call it 'Taking a dump' when you're actually leaving it?" - Matt
"These climbing harnesses don't half play merry hell with your nadgers!" - Rich