Photos of Jinja

Jinja appears to be a very small town, despite being the second largest conurbation in Uganda. It is colourful and vibrant as the photos below of the market will show. Most of all we were struck by the friendliness of the town.

Main Street, Jinja!

Bicycle is the most common mode of transport. A boda boda boy is a bike taxi similar to the one below, but with a huge pad on the rear rack for you to sit on. You can travel across Jinja for USh 300 (10p!)

A local football match - very well supported!


A cross country run. The beer advert at the crossroads says "Take your time"!

The Jinja Sailing Club was a reminder of Uganda's colonial past, but outside its gates were some of the poorest scenes we saw in Uganda



Jinja market - noise, atmosphere, smells and colours!







The main post office

Roasting millet on Main Street - Used for home-brew!

A seamstress on Main Street

Ben's church

Contacting home via e-mail in a web café

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