Friday 11 July - Slimbridge and Berkeley Castle

On Friday Mr Crewe took Petronella and Ben to see a couple of Gloucestershire's famous attractions.


Slimbridge is an internationally renowned refuge which attracts over 30,000 wild birds a year. It is owned by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT), and was established in 1946 by the artist and naturalist, Sir Peter Scott. It has been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). [Go to the Slimbridge Website]

Sir Peter Scott's Memorial


Berkeley Castle

Berkeley Castle is notorious for the brutal murder of Edward II who was imprisoned there. The house was full of historical interest, whilst the terraced Elizabethan gardens were beautiful and made a perfect spot for lunch!. [Go to the Berkeley Castle website]



Ben joined in with the staff v pupils 5-a-side football match after school.

Apologies for this photo being blurred, but seconds after it was taken, and with one of Ben's first touches, he scored! He went on to score a hat-trick but we didn't let him keep the match ball!

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