Aachen Work Experience Exchange - Europäische Berufspraktika in Gloucester

11 bis 19 November 2006

This week thirteen Aachen students from the Pius Gymnasium school visited and took up various work experience positions in and around Gloucester. After an "ice-breaking" first day in school with lectures and workshops following the theme of international commerce and marketing, the German students then spent 4 days at their work placements. Some found themselves working as teacher assistants in junior and primary schools, some worked at a local hotel getting a broad experience of hotel operations; a sports centre, aircraft repair and maintenance at Staverton Airport and the Cheltenham Tourist information office provided worthwhile placements for others and one gained a thorough and interesting insight into the graphics design and commercial printing industry at SevernPrint.

The work experience providers were well impressed with their charges, especially their extensive command of the spoken English language. The school wishes to thank those schools and businesses which undertook the German students' work experience provision and especially those people directly involved in their supervision.

Marketing New Product Ideas with their German Colleagues
(Workshop session on first day)

"Bowden Hall Boys"

David Pealing explains the printing process

Time for some fun - Jenga Giants

 Aachen Work Experience Exchange - Europäische Berufspraktika in Aachen

6 bis 14 Januar 2007

Wir sind nach Aachen in Deutschland gefahren, um unser Deutsch zu verbessern. Wir haben bei Gastfamilien gewohnt und haben ein Arbeitspraktikum absolviert.

Es war interessant, bei einer deutschen Familen zu wohnen und ein anderes Leben kennen zu lernen.

Hier sind einige Fotos, die wir während dieser tollen Woche aufgenommen haben .....

Die Schüleraustauschgruppe

Die weltberühmten Aachener Printen - noch auf Neujahrsfest!

Straßen-Maler in Köln

Aachener Dom - Gebäudesanierung endlich abgeschlossen!!

Studenten bei den Arbeitsplätze ....

Ringsherum Aachen Stadtzentrum

Offizielle Begrüßung in der Königshalle Aachener Rathaus

Pius Pressekonferenz

Other MFL trips

Article and Photos - PJB & die Austauschpartnern