An early morning start, a breakdown requiring a replacement bus, a rough crossing and a late arrival at the youth hostel. Well might these have dampened the enthusiasm of the boys for the trip but this was not to be. An action packed three days in the Rhineland, whose beauty they could not fail to appreciate, ensured maximum exposure to the language and culture. It was a chance to try out their language skills and this they did with confidence.
Oberwesel Youth Hostel
This is a modern youth hostel situated at the top of a hill overlooking the Rhine. The food was excellent and the boys were able to enjoy football, volleyball and table tennis in their free time.
It was time to set to work. Pupils needed to revise their shopping vocabulary in order to embark on their first language module "Hat's geschmeckt?" - Equipped with 2 Euro they descended on Boppard market to buy ingredients for their dish.
Pupils try out their German ......
Back at the youth hostel pupils set to work preparing their dish. Each group was required to give a presentation in German.
Pupils at work ......
The final dishes .....
An afternoon cruise on the Rhine from Kaub to St Goarshausen was followed by a fun session at the Tauris swimming pool in Koblenz.
As we descended the hill towards the Rhine on our way to the Marksburg Castle, we were confronted by a speeding car. The impact scarcely damaged the coach but the car was a right off. One and a half hours later after an investigation by the German police, who were happy to leave the traffic control to Miss Lucas and myself, we were able to proceed to the castle. This is one of the oldest castles in the area, dating from the 12th century and well worth a visit.
After a successful shopping trip in the afternoon to Koblenz, an evening meal at the Youth Hostel we once again descended the hill to Boppard to the "Eiscafé". My doubts that this followed too quickly after the evening meal were soon dispelled as the boys tucked into exquisite ice cream after ice cream.
Eiscafé Boppard
Once again after some preparation at the youth hostel, we visited Boppard. On this occasion pupils were required to complete a town-trail.
The chairlift from Boppard up the hillside, nervously anticipated by some, was however universally enjoyed. The hilltop provided spectacular views onto the Rhine.
This was an enjoyable evening thanks to the efforts of Mr Peffers who organised games and quizzes.
This was followed by a grand prize giving, applauding the efforts and achievements of the pupils.
The Prize Winners
I would like to thank Mr Peffers, Mr Riley and Miss Lucas for their unstinting support and work on the trip, the pupils for their commitment and good humour and the parents for their trust and support.
What the teachers got up to!