Taken from the STRICTNet school website (2000-2010)
Victorious Mark Eynott of Eastgate - Year 7 Relay Winners
Clear The Track!
Mrs Spilsbury's Relay Team
(Go Faster on Burger Power!)
A nice Young man!
Ready ... Steady ...
... Go!
What did Mr Daniel say ... Pick up and hide all the racing bibs except the green ones?
Race Marshall Mr Daniel
"The other Houses won't get far without their vests and batons!" (Tee-Hee)
Poised ... and ready to leg it!
Westgate Relay Team
Mean Machine
Sam, Sammy, Edwan & Ed
Pre-race warm-ups and hair-dos
Lewis breasts the tape for Westgate
A Couple of Shots with Edwan
Miss Brake & Mr Hancock have it taped!
The Javelin Boys
"How Heavy are these Shots??"