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 Unit News 2003 - 2004

 Orkneyinga Saga - 44th Style!

 21st July to 4th August 2004

Just as the Viking Jarls of the Saga once laid claim to and fought over the Orcadian Isles, at times painting the shores and hills with their blood, so ventured the 44th to these misty and mysterious isles, to leave their own individual marks in the very rocks themselves. Bob the Adventurer, Troll, Gant, Stella, Skull-Splitter, Whisson the Wanderer and Man of Nails, Lofty, Shorty, Ellison - son of Ellison, Liter-Snorrson Rich & S-Johnnson the Red - the fearsome raiding party took the islanders by surprise and no unsuspecting fair maid of Orkney was safe from wearing the blue jumper of the 44th! (Not to mention itinerant Dutch Damsels on the trail of the Big Ben of Nevis).

Read of the 44th's own Orkneyinga Saga by following the Puffin of Yesnaby ...... Taxi!!

 Motiva Adventure Evening

 9th July 2004

The unit paid a visit to Motiva Ropes in the Royal Forest of Dean this evening. We took along three prospective members from years 8 & 9 - Tristan, Steven and Joe - and a recent joiner from the sixth form - Tom. By all accounts they enjoyed the activities and certainly joined in with the unit camaraderie and fun. A rewarding evening was had by all.

Instructing us was none other than Dan Wright - thanks for giving of your time and chocolate cake!!

Instructor Dan supervises kitting up

Young Rich - 1st up the wobbly pole!

Tristan makes it look easy

What's that up there?

Careful ....

Flying Duxbury

 Quiz Night A Success!

 7th May 2004

A hotly contested Quiz Night was brought to a successful conclusion by Quiz Masters Alan Peffers and Chris Gallant. Proceeds from the evening entries went to our Ugandan link school PMM girls school in Jinja, with raffle takings being split between the unit and the U13 cricket tour fund. And it was no surprise(!) that a staff team put together by Tony Hearn proved worthy victors.

Special thanks to Chris Gallant and Matt Bick for masterminding all the organisation behind this enjoyable and successful event. Not forgetting the charming Quiz Master Mr Alan Peffers - thanks!

 Dartmoor Visit

 15th to 18th February 2004

The unit made its now customary visit to the wilds of Dartmoor over the half term break.

We met up Lee Rounce and Adam Griffiths who both provided the instruction qualifications for our climbing and wilderness camping. For the most part the weather was sunny but cold - a pleasant combination to enjoy the wild beauty of Dartmoor. The hospitality at The Plume of Feathers was still warm and cordial - and we gratefully noted the improved washroom and shower facilities!

We discovered a few altered paths that deviated from those marked on the map(!) and some very new fences - always check for the latest maps being the moral of that tale!

Route planning - Lee, Sam & Chris

Climbing Party at the Dewerstone

Sam Johnson abseiling

 Cotswold Marathon - 44th Clean Sweep!

 7th/8th February 2004

After several weeks dedicated to training sessions and route familiarisation, the unit took a virtual clean sweep of the 2004 Cotswold Marathon Trophies. Congratulations to all the walkers (or was it runners in some cases?!) who took on the gruelling course as well as the full variety of weather conditions thrown at them during the night - driving rain, cold chilling winds, sleet, hail and snow. Everyone contributed to the unit's successes on the night but more importantly should be proud of their own individual achievements on was a difficult course.

The trophies collected were the Keith Aston Cup for fastest team in the Silver class, the Lowery Trophy for overall fastest team in Gold class, the Junior and Senior Trophies for the fastest Junior and Senior teams in the Gold class.

Pictured here are: Rich, Dave, Paul, Gav, Chris, Rob and Dan in the back row, with Alan Faulkner (Marathon Organiser), Roger Tovey (District Commissioner), Pete Lloyd, Colin Vickery (51st), Adam Griffiths, Jo Bennett (Marathon Administrator) and - trying to hide - Joan Goldsmith (County Commissioner).

Silver Class Winners Rich, Dave & Paul receiving the Keith Aston Trophy
and their individual boots from District Commissioner Roger Tovey

Overall winners Pete Lloyd Chris Vickery and Adam Griffiths flanked by the presentation party

 The Caravan of Light

Yes - it's been reported that Dan Wright is back in Gloucester again - and this time he's making plans for a Himalayan trip ..... With a team of camels......

And he's organising an evening to tell you all about it .... and perhaps persuade you to part with a bit of sponsor money...???

Check out the following links and get yourselves along to Sir Thomas Rich's School at 7pm on Wednesday 11th February to find out more!

The 1300 mile trans-Himilayan trek will pass through Rajesthan, India, Nepal & Tibet. It's aims are to raise awareness of the 'Light Up The World' charity, especially its work of providing solar powered lighting systems for the people in the Himalayas.

The Caravan of Light

Light Up The World

 Quiz Night

 21 November 2003

Yet again the unit organised an intriguing and demanding quiz night - and being coincident with the BBC's "Children in Need Appeal" all the quiz proceeds were generously sent to the appeal fund. This amounted to a fine total of £312.

We must give credit to Chris Gallant and Matthew Bick who have taken on the preparation and organisation of this event since the school's PTA relinquished its responsibility for it - Chris & Matthew have made this even more popular and successful so a special thanks to them both. We should also express our gratitude to Mr Peffers who has taken the role of Chief Quiz Master.

 Watch out for the next Quiz Night on Friday 7th May 2004

 Five Valleys Walk for National Meningitis Trust

 28 September 2003

Once again the 44th supported this local charity event, eleven of us plus Mr Gallagher's dog Ralph enjoying a pleasant 21-mile stroll around the Stroud valleys and raising £200 for the National Meningitis Trust.

We thank all those who so generously sponsored our walkers. Thank you!

 Golden Welly kicks off new era of inter-unit activities for Gloucester District

 19 September 2003

In response to the DESC's (District Explorer Scout Commissioner) promptings to organise some district events, the 44th took up the gauntlet - or rather the boot - and hosted the first Golden Welly Challenge of the new Explorer Scout era. This ancient trophy had last seen the light of competitive day back in the 1980s (or was it the 1970s?) and its last winners had reverently taken great care over its safe-keeping during the "dark years" of welly-less competition. Thanks Churchdown!

So on an overcast but warm and dry late summer's evening the assembled competitors gathered on the browning grass fields of Oakleaze. A series of gruelling, hazardous challenges awaited them all - events designed to test strength, endurance, poise and teamwork. Events such as the 'Blindfold Sedan Chair Obstacle Race', '100m Under-Hurdles Sprint', the 'Canoe-over-the-Goalposts Rush', 'Frisbee Toss', '10x1m Spin' and the 'Backward Sprint'.

With representatives from 1st Upton, Churchdown (thanks Phil H) and the Unit-With-No-Name joining the home crowd from the 44th, an evening of high spills and drama was in prospect. Umpires Jon Ellison & Pete Lloyd were on hand to time, measure and judge the events, ensuring that all competitors entered into the spirit of the games (hence the white coats they wore being so apt!)

The evening started with the traditional "Welly Wanging" before lapsing into the furious mayhem of the other events. A burger barbecue provided a welcome interlude before the final events were concluded in near darkness. Everyone then squeezed into the hut for presentations - the Golden Welly being narrowly won by the Unit-With-No-Name, who now have the (dubious) privilege of staging the next Golden Welly Challenge. It has been decided to run the event on a regular (monthly?) basis in order to foster closer ties between the units - a good idea.

Faye (our beloved DESC) took the opportunity to present the 44th with their inauguration certificate - 7 months on but who's worried!

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