J Anthony Stocks   MA
Headmaster 1961 to 1973

Tony Stocks, or 'Jasper' as he was affectionately called by the boys (as well as many of the staff!) was an inspirational Headmaster implementing many much needed reforms to education in the School. In 1964 he oversaw the School's move from its old Barton Street home to its new purpose built location in Oakleaze, Longlevens. He was personally involved in the design of many of the buildings there.
In his time as Headmaster from 1961 to 1973, he made a huge contribution to the lives of so many pupils during their time at Rich's. His insistence on high standards and developing pride in the School will be his legacy. He appointed some of the most charismatic and influential teachers up to that time in the history of the School. He found it particularly rewarding to see boys progress through the school and achieve success in their A Levels and beyond.
He moved from Rich's at the end of the Easter term in 1973 to Wolverhampton Grammar School where he stayed as headmaster for 5 years before returning 'home' to Gloucester, where he took up a post at The King's School teaching mainly Latin and where he also took on the role of Oxbridge Advisor.
He officially 'retired' in 1995 devoting more time to his already established role as local preacher based at the Methodist church at St John's Northgate Gloucester.
Mr Stocks was 95 when on 15 January 2019 he died peacefully in his sleep at his residence Park View Apartments in Gloucester.

Archive material below is organised by academic year; a title link for each item, with a brief description of content, opens in a fresh tab/window.
Last addition to JAS period archives made on:   15th April 2021

Academic Year September 1972 to August 1973
School Captain:   Michael Guest
Cock House:   Eastgate
Richian 1973 - The Richian school magazine, including: Looking Back ... ; In Memoriam - G R Sheard; JAS Headmaster 1961-1973; Interview with Mr Stocks; New & returning Staff - Bill Spear, Mr S Jeffries, Mrs Jackie Hewitt, Mr Gordon Heap as new Headmaster; Departing Staff - Mr J Babbington, Mr CC Robinson, Mrs Walkington; Choral Society performance of Bach's 'Christmas Oratorio'; 'Billy Budd'; PA; 'The Golden Vanity'; Hadrian's Wall Trip; TOC H Raid the Larder; Society Reports; STRS 44th Venture Scouts; Peacock Club; Contributions; Recollections of a former pupil (JAS) by R T Moore; Sports - including 1st XI unbeaten; Rowing & Boston Marathon Record; Old Richians.
Prize Giving Evening - programme for the Annual Prize Distribution held on Wednesday 13th December 1972

Academic Year September 1971 to August 1972
School Captains:   B W Hook  &  P A Langman
Cock House:   Southgate
Richian 1972 - The Richian school magazine, including: Editorial & Year Review; In Memoriam: Beryl Burrow; Choral Society perform 'Fauré's Requiem' & Fauré's A Jolly Good Fellow; 'Crusoe Mill Takeover Bid by Sir Jasper' - Cock House play rave review; Trips to Italy, Switzerland Belgium & Holland; GlosAid; 6th form Recreation Room; Music at STRS; Historical Society; Peacock Club; Amateur Radio Society; Aeromodelling Club; Guitar Club; Chess Club; Debating Society; Geographical Society; Geological Society; Model Railway Club; PSV Club; Railway Society; Rambling Club; Remove Sporting Society; Venture Scouts; Stamp Club; Poems & Prose Contributions; Sport - Cricket, Rugby, Cross Country, Badminton, Basketball, Bowls, Tennis, Life Saving Club, 5-a-side soccer, Rowing Club; Parents' Association; Old Richians pages.

Academic Year September 1970 to August 1971
School Captains:   Mark B Bryant  &  Ian A C Angell
Cock House:   Eastgate
Richian 1971 - The Richian school magazine, including: Year Review; S T 'Bomber' Jeffries retires; Historical Society; Choral Society perform 'St Matthew Passion'; Orchestra; Amateur Radio Society; Aeromodelling Club; Chess Club; Debating Society; Geographical Society; Geological Society; Model Railway Club; Railway Society; Rambling Club; Remove Sporting Society; Venture Scouts; 'Julius Caesar'; Croquet; Hadrian's Wall Revisited; Summer trip to France 1970; Rugby Club's Plymouth trip; Up the Cut - Episode 4; Three Peaks; Shell Conservation Competition; Glosaid; Contributions; Sport - Cricket, Rugby, Cross Country, Badminton, Basketball, Bowls, Tennis, Life Saving Club, Rowing Club; Five Schools Association; Parents' Association; Old Richians.

Academic Year September 1969 to August 1970
School Captain:   M G Carter
Cock House:   Northgate
Assembly - Photograph of Daily Morning Assembly (as used for Richian 1970 cover)
Richian 1970 - One Step Further (Year Review); Music at Eight; Choral Society - St Nicholas & Messiah; Shell Conservation 1970; Midsummer Night's Dream; VSU Trip to Scotland; Isle of Arran Field Trip; Swiss Trip 1969; Historical Society; Peacock Club; Choral Music; Railway Society; Bridge Club; Chess; Literary & Debating Societies; Sport - Cricket, Rugby,Bowls, Cross Country, Basketball, Swimming, Badminton; Old Richians Association; What is Success?.

Academic Year September 1968 to August 1969
School Captains:   B A C Mander  &  P J E Cole
Cock House:   Northgate

Academic Year September 1967 to August 1968
School Captains:   S J Aubrey  &  P A Wood
Cock House:   Northgate

Academic Year September 1966 to August 1967
School Captains:   S Buttling  &  M G Tudor
Cock House:   Eastgate
Skye 1967 - Logbook of the the Senior Scout Troop's summer expedition to the Isle of Skye

Academic Year September 1965 to August 1966
School Captain:   E C Butlin
Cock House:   Southgate

Academic Year September 1964 to August 1965
School Captain:   G N Hook
Cock House:   Southgate

Academic Year September 1963 to August 1964
School Captain:   D Marcer
Cock House:   Northgate

Academic Year September 1962 to August 1963
School Captains:   K N Anderson  &  G R C Dew  &  B A Smith
Cock House:   Westgate

Academic Year September 1961 to August 1962
School Captain:   J G Clark
Cock House:   Westgate