Taken from the STRICTNet school website (2000-2012)
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The gales blew, ferries were cancelled, rain fell - yet the U14 & U13 teams remained undaunted and in between it all completed with honours even their six matches schedule against Jersey Island's strongest representative and school sides.
Special thanks must go to Mr P Lloyd & Mr R Sims.
Touring Party
U14 Squad - Daniel Anderson, Tom Burrows, Mitchell Couchman, Joe Crossman, Thomas Grogan, Matthew Poole, Chris McWhannell, Tom Parker, Richard Paterson, Tom Piggot, Spencer Pugh, Jon Taylor, Will Unwin, Harry Young
U13 Squad - James Brown, Daniel Cave, Oliver Chapple, Ben Conway, Andrew Daughtrey, Jack Griffiths, Charles Hiram, Will McKemey, Robert Miller, Lloyd Moore, Amit Patel, Tom Tremlett, Christopher Turley, Edward Watson
Coaching Staff - Mr P D Lloyd, Mr R Sims, Mr P Brown
U14 Squad
Breakfast at YHA
Jersey Island fixture at Les Quennevais
Batsmen await their turn
Players gather for morning team meeting
Tom's injury
U13 squad with opposition at St Michael's Prep School
Tour Dinner at Pizza Express - U14 table, quietly refined!
Tour Dinner at Pizza Express - U13 table, raucous and loud!
Andy Daughtrey receives U13 Top Tourist Award from Mr Sims
Harry Young receives U14 Top Tourist Award from Mr Lloyd
Durrell's silverback relaxes in tranquility restored after departure of STRS tourists
We'd like to especially thank the following ....
The Jersey YHA and its brilliant staff for putting up with us (again!) and making our stay such an enjoyable one
Mr Doug Ferguson for arranging sets of fixtures and venues for both U14 & U13 sides
Mr Rob Sims & Mr Pete Lloyd - our two long-suffering and brilliant coaches!
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