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 Unit News 2004 - 2005

 End of Term Barbecue

16 July 2005

The unit rounded off the school year with its usual barbecue and games evening. We welcomed our secretary Rich Young's parents, Tim & Liz, who have become great supporters and friends of the unit. The new Chairman Paul Edwards presented Tim with a unit sweatshirt and welcomed him as Honorary Member - in recognition of his hard work in installing a brilliant new ceiling and lighting in the hut!

We were also pleased to welcome several prospective members from the current year 8 - in spite of the lure of the STRS/Denmark Road disco making obvious its over-loud presence in the school hall.

It was also a special time for several members - their last official Friday meeting before they set off into the big wide world of Gap Year & Uni-di-versity. And to make the evening complete, "Mad-Dog" Dan joined us as the barbecue embers sputtered and sent their last glowing sparks into the gathering dusk of a glorious summer's eve.

 Golden Boys!

11 July 2005


We are rightly proud to announce that the 44th has seen another group of its members achieve the coveted Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. They are:

Chris Gallant
Adam Lewis
Sam Coe
Samuel Johnson

For their award they carried out such diverse activities and service as photography, gymnastics coaching, jewellery making, engineering courses and projects, a 3-day stay on the island of Hoy in the Orkneys doing surveying and field work, leaderships roles with the unit, at school and in outside organisations. Their final activity was a 4 day, 50 mile expedition in the Peak District during some of the worst weather and terrain conditions ever encountered by the unit on any of its activities.

They thoroughly deserve their Gold Awards.

We welcomed today the County Scout Commissioner for Gloucestershire, Mrs Joan Goldsmith, who presented the lads with their award lapel badges. They will in due course receive their Gold Award certificates at the Duke of Edinburgh national presentation ceremony held at Buckingham Palace.

Chris, Sam, Samuel and Adam have all been long serving and valued members of the 44th and they have also attained Scoutings highest award - the Queen Scout Award. They certainly deserve special credit and congratulations. Well done!

District Explorer Scout Commissioner Lucy Bradley, County Duke of Edinburgh Advisor Nigel Moore & County Commissioner Joan Goldsmith relax with Samuel, Adam, Sam & Chris in the Frank Henderson Memorial Garden.

 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd June 2005

Six of the unit's year 9 members planned and successfully completed a hike for their bronze award expedition. Stephen, Gareth, Andrew, Will, Josh & Kit, with their assessors Sam & Samuel in tow, set off from Tibberton along the Gloucestershire Way, finishing up the following day on schedule at Speech House in the Forest of Dean. Their overnight stop was at Abenhall, where Dan Wright and Gavin Jones introduced them to some of the joys of bushcraft and survival - the focus of their trip.

Along the way Josh managed to fracture his ankle(!) but this didn't stop him from completing the hike. They built their own shelter, were taught how to make and build a fire which they used to cook some of the edible plants and seeds they collected, and were treated to some glorious sunset views. A good experience for them all.

For more pictures of this expedition click here

 £300 raised for Jack's Chariot

Friday 29 April

A rip-roaring success! That was the verdict of all concerned at our Quiz Night. £300 was raised from the Quiz Night entries for the "Chariot for Jack" appeal.

In a close contest, both Senior and Junior sections were decided by just a few points; the individual trophies being produced in the D&T department using their recently acquired NC cutting machine.

Find out more about the 'Chariot for Jack' Appeal ....

Chariot for Jack Charity Collections

Thanks to all those who attended - see you in the Autumn for the next exciting and brain-teasing Quiz Night!

Winning Senior Team - "The Shining Wits"

Winning Junior Team - "M510JFH"
with Quiz Master & Organiser Chris Gallant

 ESL in St Lucia

KCC St Lucia Tour 2005

23 February - 7 March 2005

For those interested in such things, click on the picture to find out what the ESL got up to on the Kingsholm Cricket Club Tour to St Lucia in the West Indies.

 He's Back!

Caravan of Light Website

14 January 2005

Our very own "Action Man" Dan Wright returned today from his camel trek across Northern India - The Caravan of Light Expedition. (Just in time for the Cotswold Marathon!!) He brings with him a wealth of tales and pictures which he will soon be presenting at a Lecture at the school. (Dates to be announced).

Until then why not visit The Caravan of Light website to read the expedition logbook and find out more about the trip and the Light Up the World charity it was promoting.

Just click on the camel to find out more!

 Quiz Night proves to be yet another success - even on a Saturday!

20 November 2004

The Unit staged yet another successful, mentally taxing yet enjoyable evening of brain-teasing and memory recall. The move to a Saturday evening from its traditional Friday night slot had little impact on attendance - 7.30pm found the school hall filled with over 35 teams and the air verily thrummed to the sound of little grey cells working overtime as Quiz Master Chris Gallant unleashed a taxing array of questions and puzzles.

It was all in a good cause - money was raised for the National Meningitis Trust, PMM - our link school in Uganda - and Project Trust charity. We thank everyone who supported this event and invite you to join us at the next Quiz Evening to be held early in May.

Thinking Caps on, Boys!

 Four complete Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards with gruelling Peak District Expedition

28 October 2004

During the half term break four senior members of the unit undertook their Gold Award Expedition. Samuel Johnson, Sam Coe, Chris Gallant and Adam Lewis completed a 50 mile hike in the Dark Peak area of the Peak District. The aim of the expedition (apart from surviving some terrible late autumn weather) was to look at how tourism has impacted on the Peak District.

At the following Friday meeting, the unit was given an enthralling talk of their experiences on Dark Peak. To see the slideshow they used as part of their presentation click here

Pictured here with the lads is their Expedition Assessor Mr Keith Scotter.

Congratulations and well done to all four who have now completed their Gold Awards - next stop Buckingham Palace!

 Dragon Boat Races - South Cerney

 10 October 2004

Making up the major part (12 crewmen from 20) of the Gloucester District Explorer Boat, we had a close fought contest with a Marling School crew, eventually conceding 1st place to them by a mere couple of seconds. Yet again it was an enjoyable day out on the lakes, blessed by warm autumnal sun and good camaraderie.

 5 Valleys Walk

 28 September 2004

Yet again the 44th showed its support for this superb local charity, with several members setting out early Sunday morning to traverse the valleys that radiate out from Stroud. The weather was fair - a grey cool morning giving to a pleasant but not too warm sunny afternoon. The fine scenery and views were enjoyed and much happy banter was exchanged with fellow walkers along the way. The now traditional home-made cake and coffee stop at Honey Hill was especially welcome and the only setback of the day was IJG's altercation with a doggy gate which painfully tried to guillotine his middle finger.

We hope to raise around £250 for the National Meningitis Trust and thank all those who sponsored our efforts.

The Happy Band of Walkers were:
Sam Coe, Samuel Johnson, Rich Young, Adam Lewis, Joe Gallagher and Ralph, Daniel Whisson, Phil Brown & Rob Griffiths.
We also enjoyed the company of Peter Chapman and Tim Dalton from the school.

 New Chief Scout - Here's One I Made Earlier ......

 1st August 2004

The Scout Movement announced its new Chief Scout as none other than Peter Duncan - most famously recognised as Blue Peter Presenter Extraordinaire!

Will this mean Scouts will get Blue Peter Badges for their achievements?

The 44th wish Mr Duncan "Happy Scouting"

Previous year's news .....