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 Unit News 2005 - 2006

 Ernest Davies

It is with extreme sad regret that we have to report the death of Ernest Davies. Known to many of the 44th as "Ernst" he was our contact in Norway who helped organise many a trip the 44th has made to that wonderful country during the past 30 years. A close and good friend of Frank Henderson, between them they provided young Venture Scouts of the 44th with real life enriching experiences, as well as deep insights into the present and past of Norwegian life. Himself inspired by that great Norwegian explorer and humanitarian Fridtjof Nansen, Ernst enthused us with his love of life and Spirit of Adventure. He will be sorely missed. Our sympathy and thoughts go out to his wife Margaret and son Ben and family at this sad time.

Ernest Davies
4.7.1920 ~ 4.8.2006

 Calling all "Old Boys" - Again!!

Thanks to all of those who responded one way or another to last September's appeal for postcards and news. The overall number of replies was however substantially less than one would have expected. And there are many ideas yet in the melting pot. So get writing and offer suggestions and ideas of how we might celebrate the unit's 30th birthday.

Incidentally, at a recent Exec meeting it was quietly pointed out to the ESL that the whole of the Scouting Movement will be joining in our celebrations - it's the 100th birthday of Scouting!!

So let's make 2007 a big big year not just for the Scout Movement in general but also the 44th in particular!!

 Valentine Disco a Smash Hit!

 Friday 24th February 2006

Once again we staged a very successful disco for year 7 & 8 pupils of Rich's and Denmark Road High School for Girls. Raising funds chiefly for The Cobalt Appeal Fund, the unit was able to donate £200 to this worthy local charity. With the excellent Phil Jay's Sound Survey Roadshow hitting the groove and laying down some pulsing and gyrating beats, everyone had a super-cool evening.

The 44th Explorer Scout Unit wishes to thank the school for the ongoing gratis use of the school hall and facilities on such occasions, which enables them to make bigger donations to worthy causes than would otherwise be the case if the school levied its usual charges for letting the hall. They are also grateful to Mrs Poole, Mrs MacDonald, Mrs Young and Mrs Kellaway for their help with ticket promotions.

 Cotswold Marathon

 Saturday/Sunday 4th/5th February 2006

This year we only had one team enter the Gold (36 mile) event - Leaders Pete Lloyd and Adam Griffiths teamed up with Colin Vickery of the 51st. And yet again they managed an impressive time of 8hrs 25mins to claim once more the first position. Well Done!

Entries in the Silver (18 mile) event were reduced due to illness, although several of the unit still attempted the course though they were not 100% fit. Of the three teams enetered, only one stayed the course to come in third with a time of 5hrs 52mins, just 31 minutes behind the winners. Our successful team of walkers were: Andrew Faulkner, Amy Johnson (that's Amy not Andy!) and Ben Sargeant. Well done to these three!

 Children in Need Quiz Night

 Friday 18th November 2005

Make a note in your diaries! The unit is running the first of its bi-annual quiz nights in the School Hall on Friday 18th November and this one will be raising money for Children in Need. So get swotting up on your general knowledge, put your thinking caps on and get on down to this fun evening out! And bring a bear as your team mascot - you never know, it might earn you a couple of extra bonus points!!

 Dragon Boat Princes (& Princesses!)

A misty morn greeted our arrival at South Cerney for the annual Junior Dragon Boat Races. Once again we were the major contributors to the District Explorer Scout Boat, along with Beaufort and Churchdown units. The sun soon broke making the water shimmer like diamonds and the South Cerney lakes provided a beautiful venue for a day messing about in boats.

Old rivals Young Minch and Marling Marlins proved just a tad stronger for our young District crew and we were eased into overall third place after four strenuous heats of ferocious paddling.

The 44th provided the following mix of youth and experience to the District Boat ....

Rich Young, Stephen Duxbury, George Rawlins, Sam Melvin, Hayden Sansum, Iain Murphy, Liam Newborough, Zak Hinds, Daniel Venn, Rich Ellison, Matt Barnes & Adam Lewis.


 Unit runs a very successful Year 7/8 Disco in aid of the Meningitis Trust

On Friday 7th October the unit staged a very successful disco for the Year 7 & Year 8 boys and girls of Sir Thomas Rich's and High School for Girls Denmark Road. Great fun and dancing were the order of the evening as the school hall resounded to disco and dance music from modern to not-so-modern times : "Y-M-C-A" proving the audience participation hit of the evening!!!

The superb disco was staged by Phil Jay's SOUND SURVEY ROADSHOW who kindly provided their services at a very generous rate so that the Meningitis Trust would benefit from most of the evening's ticket sales. As a result well over £500 has been raised. Well done to all the organisers and unit members who helped on the evening - supervising the dance floor, lugging equipment about, cleaning up, resetting the hall chairs, manning the tuck shop, admission and exit attendants, etc. etc.

Also thanks to the Denmark Road Staff who helped with the adult supervision on the evening and ticket sales at HSG. At STRS we would especially like to thank Mrs MacDonald and Mrs Kellaway for looking after ticket sales, Mrs Poole for handling the finance, Mrs Young and Mrs Austen for ticket design and posters and Mr Watts for helping to clear and ready the hall earlier in the day.

If you want a Great Show  -  Then use a Pro!

E-mail:  [email protected]

 Highest Scouting Award for Top Four

 Friday 23 September 2005

The STRS Prize Giving & Speech Night seemed a suitably opportune and prestigious enough occasion to ask the District Explorer Scout Commissioner (DESC to her friends!) Lucy Bradley to drop by and present Chris Gallant, Adam Lewis and Samuel Johnson - and not forgetting Sam Coe who was away in Guyana and whose mother was on hand to receive his award - with their Queen's Scout Awards.

A superb accolade for these fine upstanding young gentlemen and a fitting way to top off their active involvement and service to the 44th Gloucester (STRS) Explorer Scout Unit. Well done lads!!

 Send us a Postcard!!

Calling all "Old Boys" - ex-Venturers of the 44th!!

We're asking you to let us know of your whereabouts and what you're currently doing. Please send us a postcard of your local town/area - or failing that of some exotic place you've just visited - with your name, years in the unit and a contact address.

Fear not - this isn't related to any appeal for your hard-earned cash (although if you wish to send us any we'll be sure to put it to good use!!) but there are a few whisperings concerning that rare publication "Venture 44" and the possibility that another edition may be about to roll off the presses ..... (don't hold your breath!).

Also did you know that the 44th Venture Scout Unit officially came into existance in 1967? Having missed celebrating its 25th anniversary (unless you count the Norway 2002 adventure as our silver anniversary party) we are determined to do something extraordinary and special to mark the unit's 30th anniversary in 2007, even though technically speaking the Scout Movement's removal of Venture Scouting and our conversion to an Explorer Scout Unit in 2003 somewhat knocks that idea a bit. (Perhaps we should be thinking of a 5th anniversary as an ESU? Or both??)

Anyway - the ESL thought it might be a good craich to get together a load of the '44th Adventurers of Yore' (his expression not ours!) to do something "special" - ideas please!

So send us a postcard - watch this space - and let us know of any bright ideas you may have.

 Sailing Proud - New Lease of Life for Unit Yacht

Some of you may remember the sailing boat that was given to the unit back around 1997. A major project was started to restore it by the unit - Tim Andrews, Jody Ballard & Phil Reid spent quite a while sanding down the paintwork. Well, the enthusiasm for the project evaporated when they left and the old boat sadly was neglected and languished forgotten in the Scout garage, then at the back of the bike sheds.

A couple of years ago, Matt Newell's father asked if he could have the boat to restore and we gladly gave it him rather than see it deteriorate further. Well, we are pleased to report that with the help of several of Matt's family the restoration task was eventually completed and the splendid result can be seen in the pictures below. We are glad that such a fine craft will sail again and no doubt give many people great pleasure in so doing.


 Five Valleys Walk

 Sunday 25 September 2005

Yes - the unit will be supporting the National Maningitis Trust by walking the whole of the 21 mile route. We will be seeking sponsorship of the participants - so be generous and make a pledge! Better still - why not join us? It's a good opportunity to catch up on news and re-establish links.

Foot Note! Apart from being somewhat sore and weary it is pleasing to report that 15 of us completed the 21 mile route. Initial estimates indicate that around £300-plus will be raised from direct sponsorship of the walkers.

The intrepid band were .... Gareth Evans, Josh Powell, Jon Springer, Sam Melvin, Stephen Duxbury, Paul Edwards, Hayden Sansum, George Rawlins, Rich Young, Phil Brown, Adam Lewis, Mat Barnes, Rich Ellison, Joe Gallagher & Ralph. Thanks to everyone who sponsored them!

 Just for the Craic!

For this summer's expedition we spent a week in southwest Ireland during which time we climbed Ireland's highest peak Carrantouhill (3411ft), part of MacGillycuddy's Reeks. We also did some rock climbing by the Gap of Dunloe, made a big splash at the Aqua Dome in Tralee, cycled up over the Healy Pass, fished - successfully! - for our own supper (but you should've seen the one that got away!!), celebrated with a local Hurling team their mighty Cup victory and just enjoyed the 'craich' wherever we rested our billet.

Read about our Irish Tales

Previous year's news .....